Welcome to the 2024/25 Season
It has been a busy month preparing the club for this day. With the hard work of Gord & Michelle, our ice is ready and looks amazing.
After many years of fundraising, support from our members, local businesses and large donations from WestUrban Developments & Rotary Club of Campbell River we are excited to start this season with our new rocks. Thank you to everyone who was involved in making this happen!
Registration went very well with our new Curling IO platform, and as we put the final touches on the leagues we are looking for a couple more players to join our Stirling (Doubles) league Wednesdays at 1pm. Curlers can register as a team or as a single player and we will try to assist in finding you a partner. Games are 8 ends, each team delivers 6 rocks and there is no sweeping from hog line to hog line. Games take approximately 1 hour and cost is only $80.00 for 10 weeks.
All leagues will be starting on Sunday October 6th. For information the Team Contacts, League Schedules, and Spare Lists will be available when you sign onto Curling IO. As always, the league schedule and points tally will be posted on the board at the club.
The Pro Shop is stocked and ready for all your curling needs and we recommend that you start the season with new grippers. This is important to protect our rocks, ice surface and your safety.
To all members please remember you must pay before you play. To avoid lineups please consider settling up prior to your first game. We accept cash/cheque, debit and credit (2% surcharge applied). Office/Pro Shop hours will be posted on our website.
We would like to welcome back Jason with Cookin’ Up Kaos in our cafe, so please continue to support him as he has extended his hours and offers great menu selections.
On Saturday October 19th we are having a 1 day Ice Breaker Spiel. Teams will play 3 six-end games, enjoy a meal and all for only $200.00 a team so please register on line or at the club early as maximum is 16 teams.
Starting tonight our Lounge will be open from 7-10 pm, with regular posted hours beginning Sunday with our weekly curling schedule.
If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to me at crcurl@shaw.ca or call (250) 287-4200.
Good Curling,