Curler Connector

Looking for players for your team, or looking for a team to join? Click here to add.
Name Details Phone
Terry Coombs

I just moved to Campbell River and looking to join 50+ team. I have been playing for many years and hope to get out this year.

Bernie Morin

The Sunday Social League has four teams that need a curler to complete their foursome. The League is an Open League that is fun to play in whether your an old pro or novice you will enjoy this League. We currently have 14 Teams and have room for two more teams.

Please contact me if you are interested.

Jim Voth

Looking for a curler to complete our Sunday Hangover team. Preferably someone who hasn't curled much and is looking to curl more regularly. Person would be the lead on our team.

Andrew Kasljevich

Just moved to Campbell river, looking for a team to play on. I used to play a few years ago but haven't been on the ice since.

Matthew Harris

Matthew Harris is 16 years old and looking to play in the Wednesday Men’s League (7:15pm) and/or the Tuesday open league (7:45pm). He has joined a very competitive boy’s curling team this year that is going to provincials with a real chance at nationals. Matthew is willing to play any position. If your interested, please call or text (Matthew’s mom: Michelle) cell number: (250)205-1435

Sue Birtch

Our Wednesday Evening Ladies team is needing a “second” for at least the first half of the season. Our “skipper” needs a new hip so the remaining 3 of us are going to try to survive without her until her return. It may be into the second part of the season so we are hoping to find a replacement who would stay on and perhaps be our fifth player in future when skipper returns. We are mature ladies in age only so all ages are welcome! 😂

Melissa Cada

New to town, looking for a curling team to curl with. I am a fairly new curler, but played in a mixed league (4 person) and sturling league (2 person) for the past two years. Looking to have fun, I'm not super competitive and still learning the game. I can play lead, 2nd, or 3rd.

Alex Sinnes / Chantel Ziesman

We are both looking for a Mixed team to play on.
- Alex has 15 years experience, and can play any position
Lead to Skip. (Also looking for mens league)
- Chantel has no curling experience, but is very competitive and learns fast!

Can someone tell me how to register?

Don & Rhonda Corder

Looking to join a 50+ team on Tuesdays. Don has about 10 years experience, can play any position L-Skip. Rhonda has about 5 years experience, prefers 3rd. We have been out of the rink for a few years, so may be a bit rusty.
